非常喜欢安乐死这么一个沉重的话题被欧容拍得云淡风轻夹杂了很多诙谐的小细节笑中带泪伤感中充满着爱意平静克制中显得尤为动人很喜欢两个场景一是在救护车上告别得场景二是最后那通电话看着Emmanuèle悲伤中带着一丝欣慰地说Je veux que tu m'aide à en finir(Everything went fine)眼泪不禁流下来不禁想要问问自己如果我是这个女儿我会怎么面对饮食男女希望未来在面对死亡的时候也可以成熟而从容
我看的是成片It’s hard to imagine a more royal fuck up. Fuck the writers, yo. 这电影真不怪你小刘The irony is that as much as Disney wants us to believe in girl power, the lesson turns out to be if you serve the “patriarchy” with unquestioning loyalty it might smile upon you and get you a new phallus to play with. 这一星是给温明娜最后出来说老娘才是饮食男女的